March 31st Board Meeting Link: Disclamer: The meeting is hosted by YouTube and is not closed captioned.
over 4 years ago, Austin Guy
CDC guidance discourages students and staff from gathering or socializing anywhere, like at a friend’s house, a favorite restaurant, or the local shopping mall. We encourage you to stay home as much as possible to decrease the spread of COVID19 in our community. It will take all of us working together to help slow this virus. For more information on How to prepare and take action for COVID19, click the link. If you have fever, cough or shortness of breath, call your doctor or healthcare provider to discuss your concerns or get medical care. You can also use MUSC Health’s virtual visit ( by using the promo code "COVID19." For general questions about COVID-19, the DHEC Care Line is here to help. Call 1-855-472-3432. Staff are answering calls from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
Assignment pick-ups will be available at your child’s school Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17 and 18 between 8am – 4 pm. If the times available do not work for you to pick up assignments, please contact your child’s school. Each school will be posting a link requesting information from parents regarding Internet access. Please complete the survey posted on the school website and social media account to give us important information regarding your Internet access. If you are experiencing any symptoms of the virus, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please do not come to the school to pick up assignment packets; please contact your primary care provider. For general questions regarding COVID-19, please call the DHEC Care Line at 1-855-472-3432. We will be sending out additional information regarding breakfast and lunch as soon as available.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
With the Governor’s proclamation for closing schools, the School District of Newberry County will not have school through March 31. Students and families are asked to continue to practice good hygiene by washing hands and also maintain social distancing by staying six feet away from others. We will be sending out information about meals being provided to students, including locations to pick up breakfast and lunch in the near future. We will also provide information regarding student assignments to be completed during the closing. Additional details will be provided soon.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
We are monitoring very closely the situation related to COVID-19/ Coronavirus, as the safety of our students and staff is our utmost concern. We are in close contact with the South Carolina DHEC and the State Department of Education and will continue to follow their guidance. Should you have concerns, you can call the DHEC Care Line at 1-855-472-3432. More information can be found on our District Website. Click here for District Updates -
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
Handwashing is an easy, cheap, and effective way to prevent the spread of germs and keep kids and adults healthy.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
Hand washing 1
Hand washing 2
Hand washing 3
Hand washing 4
Nuestro distrito continúa monitoreando el emergente brote de coronavirus. Trabajaremos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros contactos en el Departamento de Salud y Control Ambiental de Carolina del Sur (SC DHEC) para mantenernos informados de cualquier evolución de los casos confirmados en los Estados Unidos e implementar cualquier recomendación o de guía estrategias del CDC oSC DHEC según se determinen. Si bien este virus no ha afectado a nuestra área en la actualidad, DHEC y CDC tienen grandes recursos disponibles para que los padres y miembros de la comunidad aprendan sobre el virus, los síntomas, las medidas preventivas y los casos confirmados actuales. Como siempre, animamos a todos a practicar el lavado adecuado de manos, cubrir la boca y la nariz al toser o estornudar y quedarse en casa si está enfermo. Todos trabajamos juntos y ayudaremos a disminuir la propagación de gérmenes. Para estar al día sobre esta situación siempre cambiante, vaya a:
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
Due to the threat of winter weather and hazardous road conditions, all after school activities for the Newberry County School District have been canceled for Thursday, February 20. Canceled activities include all athletic games and practices, Boys and Girls Club after school care, meetings, programs, adult education classes, and all other activities and events. The District will also operate on a two-hour delayed schedule for Friday, February 21. Buses will run two hours later than the regular route time with schools and offices beginning two hours later than usual.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
School District of Newberry County Intra-District Transfer Applications for the 2020-2021 school year can be completed at the Student Services Office located in the District Office at 3419 Main Street (next to Newberry County Career Center) beginning March 2 – April 30, 2020 between the hours 8 am – 4:00 pm. All transfer requests will be completed on-site. This is approximately a ten (10) minute process. Deadline for accepting transfer requests will be April 30, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Austin Guy
Distrito Escolar del Condado de Newberry Las aplicaciones para las transferencias dentro del Distrito para el año escolar 2020-2021 pueden ser completadas en la oficina de Servicios al Estudiante ubicada en el edificio del Distrito en el 3419 de la calle Main Street (después del edificio del Newberry County Career Center) Comenzando el 2 de marzo hasta el 30 de abril del 2020 de las 8:00 AM hasta las 4:00 PM. Las transferencias deben ser llenadas en la oficina. Es un proceso de aproximadamente 10 minutos. El último día para aceptar las aplicaciones es el 30 de abril del 2020.
over 4 years ago, Austin Guy
Due to the possibility of hazardous road conditions, all Newberry County Schools and Offices will operate on a two-hour delayed schedule for Friday, February 7. Buses will run two hours later than the regular route time with schools and offices beginning two hours later than usual. Pre-kindergarten classes which meet only in the morning will not be held.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
Due to the threat of severe weather, Newberry County School District will dismiss schools at 2:00 pm on Thursday, February 6. Buses will begin running from the schools at 2:00. Car rider pick up and student driver dismissal will also begin at 2:00. As a reminder, all afternoon activities have been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
Due to the threat of severe weather, all after school activities for the Newberry County School District have been cancelled for Thursday, February 6. Cancelled activities include all athletic games and practices, Boys and Girls Club after school care, meetings, programs, adult education classes, and all other activities and events.
over 4 years ago, Carson Ware
2020-2021 Inscripción de nuevo estudiante (el estudiante nunca ha asistido al Distrito de Newberry) comeniza 2 de marzo de 2020. Los niños que cumplen 3 años de edad antes del 1 de Septiembre de 2020 y en el área de asistencia de Boundary Street Elementary, Gallman Elementary y Newberry Elementary, cumplan con los mismos requisitos que figuran en la inscripción para Kindergarten.
over 4 years ago, Austin Guy
2020-2021 New Student Registration for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten (child has not attended any school in Newberry County previously) begins March 2nd, 2020. 3 year olds by September 1, 2020 and in the attendance area for Boundary Street Elementary, Gallman Elementary and Newberry Elementary, please follow the same requirements that are listed for Kindergarten registration.
over 4 years ago, Austin Guy
The network is currently down district wide. AT&T has been notified of the issue. Since the phones are down at the schools please call the district office at 803.321.2600 for any inquiries.
over 4 years ago, Austin Guy
Teacher Recruitment Fair January 25, 2020 9:00-11:00 am at Mid-Carolina High School Register at
almost 5 years ago, Carson Ware
Early Release September 18. Please check with your school for dismissal times.
about 5 years ago, Bucky Ware
We’re thrilled to announce School District of Newberry County’s new app! It’s Everything Newberry, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
about 5 years ago, Austin Guy
On-site registration begins next week.
over 5 years ago, Austin Guy